🌿 Did you know that major life decisions can affect your lower back and hips? 🌿
Lately, many guests have come to Wellify with lower back pain, restricted hip movement, and stress. Interestingly, they were all facing significant choices—changing jobs, moving, getting engaged, or divorced. These situations can deeply impact our mobility.
At Wellify, I address this with a "Mix & Match" session. Using a combination of #DeepTissueMassage and #MyofascialRelease on the affected areas, paired with #FootReflexology, I send a message through the nervous system to restore balance.
Often, acknowledging the link between mind and body can significantly reduce tension and pain.
Ready to find your balance? Book your session today!
#Wellify #LowerBackPain #HipMobility #MindBodyConnection #StressRelief #MassageTherapy #SelfCare #SanFranciscoMassage #SanFranciscoenFrancais